Have you ever wished you could talk to someone who "gets" it?
I believe that therapy has the power to help us feel less alone and change the way we view ourselves. We live in a time where “self-compassion” is talked about more than ever and yet many of us find it a difficult (for some, terrifying!) practice to embrace. It can be hard to let go of old patterns, especially when some of them seem to have served us well and they are often validated by the world around us. Therapy can provide a safe space to get to know your nervous system, understand the whys, and change what’s not working for you. My aim is to help you see yourself in a more expansive way and address blocks that are preventing you from from accessing hope and happiness.
My varied background means I have a creative and eclectic approach, and enjoy helping others whose paths have had some twists and turns. Integrative medicine provides a foundation for how I assess and treat each client—I look at the whole body as a system, not separating physical and mental health but rather understanding how everything is connected. My work is always strengths-based and informed by polyvagal theory, which I have found life-changing in helping illuminate how my clients’ (& my own!) nervous systems work and learn to advocate for our needs. For clients who have, or desire, a relationship with spirituality, I integrate evolutionary astrology, tarot practices, and Buddhist wisdom to facilitate deeper understanding and healing. My training in trauma-sensitive mindfulness further informs my approach.
I work from an anti-racist, feminist, neurodiverse- and LGBTQ-affirming lens—whatever your identity, you are welcome here.
Fees & Insurance
While I am not an in-network provider for any insurance plans, I provide monthly superbills, so you can take advantage of out-of-network benefits. My fee is $225 for a 50-minute psychotherapy session (some sliding scale spots are available for young adults and students).
What are out-of-network benefits?
Insurance companies often cover a percentage of the cost of services with therapists/doctors etc. that aren’t directly affiliated (“in-network”) with them. I can do a basic check to let you know if you have out-of-network benefits before we get started and walk you through what questions to ask your insurance company if you want to call them for more detailed information about your coverage.
What is a superbill?
My full fee is due every week following our session, then at the end of the month I’ll give you a “superbill” detailing how much you’ve paid. You submit this to your insurance company (you can use the insurance company’s portal or the “Reimbursify” app) and they will send you a check for whatever percentage they said they’d cover. For certain insurances I am able to submit the superbill for you using our practice’s online system.